Height: 6'10"
Race: Viera, Rava
Gender: Female
Birthday: 18th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Polite / Posh / Vain / Courtesan / Bitey / Baroness


Little is known of the woman aside from her sudden rise to fame amidst the upper echelons of Ul’dahn society as a coveted element to fit any ensemble. In this she served as a proper courtesan, and while the merits of her presented state promised much to the hungry eye, so too did the viera sit petty on many the arm and lap of the influential masses for the promise of coin. It wasn’t until her 6th cycle in the city when she was given further recognition for her efforts and summoned on something of a personal note to Ishgard.While apt to abstain from the frozen valley given her delicate allure and sensitive exterior, the viera found a sense of warmth there that spoke to her vain heart. Knights and mercenaries galore to sausage those bitter chills and long, howling evenings by a tender fire, but none among them more pressing than the man who now holds himself highest in her heart. Time was all she needed to see herself into a comforted duality, spending the majority of her time between the frozen hellscape and blistering dunes.Xera even now is still a formal companion seeking indulgence for the promise of passion and delight found from the tender touch or supple embrace of others. Though the matter is far more discrete, understandably so since her husband was gifted his Barony after they’d wed and inso doing, saw the viera elevated to the status of Baroness, all of which finds itself sponsored under House Dzemael.

Above Board Hooks


If you have a want for work in one of her locations between Ishgard and Thanalan, its yours so long as you don't get caught slacking off.


Curiosity ever got the better of you? Sometimes people need to know things and there's no harm in phoning a friend.


Outsiders are more common in Ishgard now than ever before so who better than a previous outsider to offer some helpful insight?


Mining isn't the only business the woman involves herself in, namely that of other people who seek loans and alliances.


She's been to more than a few places, some of which she'd rather not talk about but that's a small pool. Being cultured as she is allows for adaptation.

Under The Table Hooks

Not all that glitters is gold, sometimes black little hearts ant black trinkets to match and the viera is all too happy to facilitate such dealings.

Black Market

Less docile than her above board work the woman is no stranger to the bitter secrets whispered behind closed doors and the price that people pay for them.


If you've a mind to try your blade on her behalf the viera has no small number of individuals found at the end of a short rope.


If nothing else suits your fancy then the woman is a courtesan* by profession and for the right price can curl close for all those needed comforts.


* As in an actual courtesan which is more than a sex worker

I want to feel your heart...

Foster Arjerm

A Temple Knight Captain devoted to Halone herself, the man also serves as a devout husband and father to the fledgling family he's started with the viera.Foster's persistent kindness and deific patience are what ultimately won him the devotion of the baleful woman. To know of her in such a pure light unveiled a sentimental shimmer within the viera's otherwise black heart that none can contest.

Ivaurault Arscelais

While little more than chance and mild curiosity had brought him into the viera’s circles, he found comfort enough in her presence to stay in her employ as a direct bodyguard for any and all matters which might find her husband absent.

Julien Ornstein

Originally having approached Xera as a representative of House Haillenarte, Julien saw fit to put and end to a rather tense issue between Xera and another Knight-Haillenarte proper. Julien has since shown interest in sharing company with the viera and has proven himself someone she can turn to.

Esmond Mounceaus

The two met under otherwise rocky conditions with those around Esmond demanding and in rare instances, pleading that he abstain from conversation with the scarlet hare. It turned out to be for good reason as the two quickly formed a dangerous duet of sorts with lashing tongues aimed at any who might see fit to besmirch or trespass upon the other.